Houston, We Have a Logo

My name is Alison Beck and it has been more than one year since my last blog post. 

Oh and what a year it’s been!! It’s going to take more than one post to catch you up on all that, but today we are going to talk about LOGOS. 

We will discuss this because the Beckthoven Duo now has a logo. (And because this is my party, so to speak, therefore I get to pick the topic.)

The Beckthoven Duo now has a logo because…..

My sister and I are debuting our NEW FANCY SCHMANCY WEBSITE today! Over the next few weeks, I’ll feature a portion of our site in a blog post.

Because our computer coding skills are essentially on the same level as Cro-Magnon man’s grandma, we had to have professional help with the new site. So we hired Joe M. Hernandez, Coding Captain to the Stars of the Opera World and Beyond, hereafter referred to as SuperJoe. SuperJoe is a professional web designer. We know this because he has a logo. 

What is a logo anyway? According to Google, it’s “a graphic mark, emblem, or symbol used to identify a professional company.” I know I can trust Google on this because Google also has a logo. Do you see the pattern??? Nike shoes: logo. Starbucks: logo. Target: Logo. The Titanic: NO LOGO….. that’s how important a logo is!!!

After chatting with us via Zoom (hey, did you notice? Zoom has a logo!), SuperJoe came up with this cool logo design for us.  It melds the piano, an actual image of Liz’s violin, and a soundwave/EKG/pulsation image.

My high school AP Physics teacher would say that it’s actually a pressure wave, because the longitudinal motion of the air particles cause regions of compression and rarefaction, eliciting the pressure-time fluctuations created at a fixed detector location. This is why I dropped the class. 

(All of the above information is from ThePhysicsClassroom.com, which does NOT have a logo that I could find. Therefore, we can call it a soundwave or a heartbeat or whatever we want; because we have a logo and they don’t, neener-neener boo-boo.) 

What will this logo do for us? Well, in addition to stimulating your visual cortex every time you see it, and firmly imprinting our brand in your brain; the logo signifies that we are Professional Musicians and therefore deserve to be paid. I mean in money; not just experiences.

Think about it. Your toilet goes out on a Saturday night. Who do you call? (Yeah, not us, please, though it’s certainly on the list of viable career options for most freelance classical musicians these days.) A trained plumber. He (or she!) comes over, tells you that “the hypo-thallic glutenous injector has gone out, and the part is only $5 but it’s currently on backorder from Saskatchewan and won’t be ready to ship until after the spring thaw; so perhaps you should consider replacing your entire toilet with the gold-plated one I just happen to have in the back of my truck.” One hour later, your fully-functioning bathroom has all the charm of Dolly Parton (“It costs a lot of money to look this cheap”) and you are handed an invoice. 

Now pay attention: if the invoice has a logo on it for Dwayne’s House O’Drains, you happily hand over enough cash to cover the Gross National Debt for a small European country, because they provided a service you needed.  But if the invoice does NOT have a logo; then you say, “Why thank you so much, Plumber Dwayne! I can’t pay you for this, as I have a very tight budget. But you got some really good experience, and you’re going to get tons of exposure from this, I just know it!!!”

That’s why logos matter. 

So go poke around our new website, courtesy of SuperJoe. Admire the fancy fonts, the organized lists, the coordinating colors. Let me know if you find any glaring typos anywhere. Stay tuned tomorrow for another highlight of the site. And share beckthovenduo.com with friends and family and church music directors so we can come play for you…

Have Logo. Will Travel. 

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